February 7, 2025

The Place of the Holy Spirit – Handling God’s Vision

Luke 1:35
35 Then the angel replied to her, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you [like a cloud]; for that reason the holy (pure, sinless) Child shall be called the Son of God.

The angel Gabriel appears to Mary with the good news that she is favored among all women and that she will bring forth the messiah into the world. Awesome! But there is only one problem, she is a virgin so humanly speaking this is impossible.
The angel tells her not to worry because the Holy Spirit will come upon her and He will make this possible.
As we said the other day, many times when God reveals His vision to us, it seems impossible, ridiculous or too expensive or a combination of all there.
We have to remember one key thing;

Luke 1:37
37 For with God nothing [is or ever] shall be impossible.

Without the power and the leading of the Holy Spirit it is impossible to accomplish the vision of God for our lives. It is the Holy Spirit who injects the power of God into our situations and we walk and abide in faith thus making that which is humanly impossible to be possible.
Mary believed what the angel told her; she did not spend sleepless nights wondering how all this would come to pass. In fact since the angel had mentioned that Elizabeth had also experienced a miracle and was heavy with child, Mary went to stay with her and when she got there, Elizabeth confirmed what the angel had told Mary.

You and I must learn to fellowship with the Holy Spirit, He is our helper, our counselor, our guide. The Holy Spirit knows the mind of God and He knows us inside out. When we learn to fellowship with him and move as per his leading, then that which was humanly impossible becomes possible as He leads us in the realm of God where nothing, absolutely nothing shall be impossible!

What kind of relationship do you have with the Holy Spirit?
Are you able to discern His voice and discern His leading?
What are some of the situations He had led you in where the impossible became possible?

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