February 7, 2025

Principles of Servanthood

Principles of Servanthood
Matthew 25: 21, 26 NKJV
21 His lord said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant; you were faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things.
26 “But his lord answered and said to him, ‘You wicked and lazy servant, you knew that I reap where I have not sown, and gather where I have not scattered seed.

The parable of the talents brings out two kinds of servants, two were called good and faithful while one was called wicked and lazy. Every believer is a servant of God but what kind of servant you are is dependent on you.

A good and faithful servant is one who is obedient to their master. They do not just obey what they like, they obey all the instructions they get from their masters. Jesus asked, why do you call me Lord Lord and you do not do what I say? We cannot claim to be servants of God if we are not walking in obedience to His word.

A good and faithful servant is one who walks in humility. You cannot serve genuinely if you are not walking in humility. Paul tells us not to consider ourselves more highly than we ought to. Instead, we are to use what God has given us to serve one another in humility. When one has a heart full of pride, they expect others to serve them because they believe that they are better than everyone. Jesus our Lord humbles himself to be born as a human and he further humbled himself to die a shameful death on the cross.

A good and faithful servant is also loyal no matter what the circumstances are. As servants of God we are to seek his will in all we do, it is not about us but about him and what he desires to accomplish in and through us. We cannot claim to be loyal servants of God if we are complaining about the very things he has directed us to do. We cannot claim to be good and faithful servants if we are slothful and complacent about accomplishing his will.

We must recognize that we cannot serve two masters, it is either that we are serving God or the enemy of our souls.
The question we need to ask ourselves is; “What kind of servant am I?”

Are you faithful to do what God has commanded you to do?

It takes Humility to be a good and faithful servant. How do you think you rate when it comes to humility?

Would God consider you to be a Loyal servant? Do you always choose his way and his will no matter what?

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