January 26, 2025

Prayer is a privilege

1 John 5:14–15
“Now this is the confidence that WE have in Him, that if WE ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if WE know that He hears us, whatever we ask, WE know that WE have the petitions that WE have asked of Him.”

In your opinion, who is the most powerful person on the planet today? Now can you imagine if you had the privilege to have this person’s personal phone number and if they were to tell you that you can call them at any time of the night or day and they will give you the audience? What would you do if this same person told you that in case you needed anything all you had to do is just give them a call and they will help you out. How many times would you call? What kind of relationship would you develop with this individual?
That is what I thought of when I thought about our scripture text for today. It says; “Now this is the confidence that we have in Him…” Who is the WE that this scripture is talking about? His small 2 letter word appears 5 times in these verses. I can guarantee you it is not everybody otherwise the word would have been whosoever instead of WE.
WE who have been called out of the darkness into his marvelous light
WE who have been called the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus
WE who have been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb.
WE who are born again, we need to come to that realization that we have audience with God and His ear according to Psalms 31:15 is attentive to a cry!That my friend is a privilege, prayer is a privilege that some of us take for granted. The fact that we have audience with the God of all creation at any given time of the day or night is amazing.
God wants to; God longs to hear from you and me. Like any loving Father He wants to meet your needs, He wants to know about the things that concern you, He wants to provide for you and comfort you and He has given us the privilege of Prayer to connect with Him.
How would you feel if you lived in the same house with someone and they never took the time to talk with you? How would you feel if every time they needed something they involved a third party to pass the message across to you? Of Course none of us would be ok with that arrangement but yet we expect God to be ok with it.
Begin to see God as a loving Father Who wants, who desires to spend time with you and realize it’s a privilege that we have been given, to have audience with God any time of the day or night.
Don’t waste time, make the most of this privilege…….TAKE TIME TO PRAY!

Reflective Thoughts
Have you ever thought of prayer as a privilege? What does that mean to you?
Do you have the confidence that when you pray God hears you?
Personalize our key scripture for today and instead of we, put in your name, what does this scripture mean to you?

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