January 26, 2025

Prayer and The Word

Prayer and The Word
Ambassadors of Christ.
John 15:5 NKJV
“I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.

An ambassador is a special envoy who is sent from his home country to take residence in a foreign country representing the interests of his nation.
For him to be able to do so, he must stay in contact with his sending authority because if he does not then he will mis-represent him by saying or doing things that go contrary with the mission and message of his sending authority.
In the same manner we as ambassadors of Christ must stay connected to him in order to represent him effectively. He is the vine and we are the branches and if we disconnect from him then we can do nothing.

It is our connection to him through the word and prayer that sustains and enables us to represent him. It is through that connection that we receive the power and authority to function on earth as citizens of heaven.
As an ambassador, if you neglect your connection with your sending authority ,soon you will start saying and engaging in things that are contrary to the infests of your sending authority and it will not be long before you are recalled because of misrepresentation and causing your nation embarrassment.
May we stay connected to Jesus the vine and may his word abide in us because he says if we do so, then whatever we ask the father in his name will be done for us.

How have you been staying connected to the vine?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

As an ambassador of Christ, what was the last message he gave to you?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

What are some of the things distracting you from prayer and bible study and what will you do to change that?
Thank you for your prayers and support for this Morning Devotion Ministry.

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