February 7, 2025


Believers Civic Responsibility
Friday 5th August 2022.

Matthew 5:9 NKJV
9 Blessed are the peacemakers, For they shall be called sons of God.

Through our faith in Jesus Christ, you and I became sons of God, and thus we are peacemakers. First, this peace begins deep within us. Jesus the prince of peace said that he has given us peace, but not as the world gives us. The worldly peace is dependent on what’s happening on the outside, while the peace of Christ stems from the inside and cannot be affected by outside forces.

To be a peacemaker means that you are at peace with yourself because of faith in Christ. It means that you are not agitated or Ill tempered. As the Bible directs, you are quick to settle quarrels with others, and you are long-suffering. A peacemaker is one who preserves the unity of the Spirit.
You and I are called to consider others and their well-being, and not just ours. In fact, we are to consider others as better than ourselves. As a believer in Christ I am a demonstration of his love and grace, I am a peacemaker, regardless of what is happening on the outside. Just as a boat will remain floating even in a storm as long as it does not allow the raging waters on the outside to get on the inside, so it is with the believer.
As long as we do not allow the raging anger hatred fear and all manner of things happening on the outside to get into our hearts, then we will always be walking a and spreading the peace of Christ on the inside of us.
That peace comes from the reassurance of knowing whom we have believed in and what has done and can do.

Do you have peace or are you troubles and afraid?

What are some of the issues that steal your peace?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

How will you manifest as a peacemaker in this heated election season?

Thank you for your prayers and support for this Morning Devotion Ministry.

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