September 11, 2024

Leadership in times of Crisis: Positioning

Nehemiah 1:4 NKJV
So it was, when I heard these words, that I sat down and wept, and mourned for many days; I was fasting and praying before the God of heaven.

It is said that a crisis brings out the best leaders. Nehemiah was in captivity and he was the cup bearer to the king. When one of his brethren comes with men from Judah, Nehemiah inquires about the Jews who had escaped and survived the captivity and the news is not good. In fact he is told that the city of Jerusalem lays in ruins.
Immediately, Nehemiah takes a position on the matter. He did not have to and even maybe it was not his responsibility but the burden was too great and he had to do something.

In times of a crisis, real leaders take a position. They don’t wait for someone to do something, they take it upon themselves to do something.

Nehemiah sat down and mourned over this matter in prayer and fasting for many days. It became a personal matter that consumed him. He mourned for his people and Jerusalem the great city. Nehemiah prayed and repented on behalf of his people but he also reminded God concerning His promises and he had the faith that God would do something. He was a willing vessel totally sold out and ready to be used of God and God used him.

As we say,the rest is history but it began with one man taking the position between God and his people one man who saw the need in the crisis and stood up to do something about it.

Reflective Thoughts.
In the crisis that we face do you see yourself as one to be used of God to bring solutions or have you disqualified yourself because you have no title and position?


Do you have a burden for your people and your nation that is ravaged by disease and corruption?


What will you do about it? Remember Nehemiah was just one man.


One thought on “Leadership in times of Crisis: Positioning

  • Joshua Wenslaus

    Nice encouragement


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