February 16, 2025

Good Hearers

Good Hearers
How Good is Your Hearing?
Luke 8:15 (AMP)
15 But as for that seed in the good soil, these are the ones who have heard the word with a good and noble heart, and hold on to it tightly, and bear fruit with patience.

Hearing is a matter of the heart. While explaining the parable of the sower, Jesus says the good soil is the one who heard the word with a good and noble heart. As much as the ears hear, it is with the heart that one perceives. The individual with a good and noble heart considers what they have heard to apply it in their life, and soon enough you see the fruit of that word

I am reminded of the Bereans in the book of Acts, they were a people with a good and noble heart who embraced the word. (Acts 17:11)
They were noble and open-minded and even after they heard, they went back on their own to examine the scriptures daily to confirm if what they had heard was the truth.

One question I have been asking myself lately is; “Why do I read the Bible?”
Do I read it because it is the duty of every Christian to read it, or do I read it because it is the truth from God and I want to implement what I read in my life?

Unless we get to the place where we read the word to implementing it in our life, then we will go through the cycle of having dull ears, hearing but never taking it to heart.

Fruit bearing is a by product of good hearing. Be deliberate in how you hear and do not allow the enemy to distract you because what he is really doing is stealing the fruit that the word is supposed to produce in your life.
Ask God to change your heart that it may be receptive to his word because the danger for some of us who have been in church for a long time is that we get familiar to such an extent that we think we know, or we think we have heard, but our hearts are no longer convicted with the word, and we wonder why we cannot see the fruit in our life.

Do you listen to the word of God with your ears only or with your heart as well?

What kind of fruit are you bearing in your life today?

What does one need to do to have a good and noble heart?
Thank you for your prayers and support for this Morning Devotion Ministry.

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