February 16, 2025

Excuses: They will not beleive

Exodus 4:1
Then Moses answered [the LORD] and said, “What if they will not believe me or take seriously what I say? For they may say, ‘The LORD has not appeared to you.

Moses is at a pivotal point in his life, he is about to walk into his destiny and his purpose. All his life and all he has been through has been preparing him for the phase of life he is about to enter into and he is afraid, unsure of himself and full of excuses. And so it is with many of us when we get to the same place in our life. Sadly for some fear and excuses take over and they never walk into their God ordained destiny. God is basically commissioning Moses to walk into his destiny which is to lead the children of Israel out of Egypt.

Who am i? Who shall I say sent me? Now he is convinced that they will not believe him.
Rejection is something terrible to go through and the fear of being rejected has caused many to compromise so that they will fit in with the status quo. Moses is afraid that his people will reject him. They will not believe that God has sent him. Remember before he fled from Egypt Moses tried to help his people but what he faced was rejection.

Even today, the fear of rejection and failure is real and it has kept many of us from sharing our faith with others though Jesus commanded us to go into the world and make disciples of all nations. We are afraid they will reject us or reject the message which we interpret as them rejecting us as an individual. We are also afraid of being ridiculed and laughed at especially when we talk about God speaking to us and sending us because no one has ever seen God.

I love the answer God gave to Moses, “What do you have in your hand?” and this is the point at which we are introduced to the rod of Moses which became and important aspect of his mission. The same still applies today, God would still ask you and I what we have in our hand because when we give it to him, that which looks ordinary and without life or significance to others is what He will use to demonstrate His power though you as you walk in obedience.

If your question is “What if they don’t believe me?” God is saying; “What do you have in your hand?” give it to him no matter how small it looks even if it is as small as two fish and five loaves, that is what he will use to demonstrate and prove that He has sent you.

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