February 16, 2025

Before You Say I Do

Have you ever seen a war ravaged city with bullet ridden buildings and no sign of life? I was thinking about that the other day and I thought If your marriage was a house, what kind of a house would it be like and in what state would it be in? Would it be a bullet ridden building because of all the warfare that takes place in there between you and your spouse or will it be a stalled project because you began it but halfway through you gave up on it because you were not willing to pay the price?

Luke 14:28-30

28 “But don’t begin until you count the cost. For who would begin construction of a building without first calculating the cost to see if there is enough money to finish it? 29 Otherwise, you might complete only the foundation before running out of money, and then everyone would laugh at you. 30 They would say, ‘There’s the person who started that building and couldn’t afford to finish it

!Stalled marriages are so common today its no longer a big deal to be divorced or separated. Here you have people who began building a tower called marriage but they had not fully counted the cost when they begun and soon enough after laying the foundation, they realize they are not able to pay the price.


You marriage is like a house, so the question is, do you have what you need to build it to completion? Are you willing to pay the price? Just like we have different kinds of houses, we have different kinds of marriages. You have those who invest and build mansions and castles with all the nice things that you would want in a house and yet there are those who build houses that just have the basics.  You are the one to determine what kind of a marriage you will put up. Will it have just the bear minimums or will you go out to build a marriage that has all that you can dream of?

The good thing about this is that the kind of marriage that you build is not determined by the amount of money you have but the kind of heart you have.

Once you build you marriage it is up to you to what kind of finishing color and furnishings you put into it. You can paint it with warm colors that speak of love trust and commitment. Colors that speak of security and teamwork or you can paint it with colors that depict fear suspicion and hatred.

The important thing is to determine what you want and consider what it will cost you and if you and your spouse  are in agreement then begin to build with the end in mind and don’t let what others are doing derail you from your blue print. You have all you need to build the kind of marriage you envision but you have to be willing to put in the hours because no building builds itself!

Practical Application.

So, you are building a marriage, do you have the blue prints and have you counted the cost? If not, begin to  do so today.


One thought on “Before You Say I Do

  • Stephen Moses

    May our God good bless you passy J.O for the efforts you have towards well being of Christian, your words are so much encouraging, continue sharing such marriage tips even on WhatsApp group prayer circle


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