Anxiety and Provision
Anxiety and Provision
Do Not Be Anxious
Matthew 6:25 NKJV
[25] “Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing?
Someone once said that worry is faith in the negative. It is the belief that nothing good will happen, for the believer, it is the belief that God will not and cannot come through for you.
After Jesus tells us to store up our treasure in heaven and that we cannot serve both God and mammon, he tells us not to worry. We are not to worry about our basic needs, life food and clothing. In reminding us that life is more than food and the body more than clothes, Jesus is basically saying this; God who gave you life knows that you require food to stay alive. He who created a body for you knows that you require clothes to cover it and stay warm. How can he give you life and neglect to give you food, or how can he give you a body and neglect to give you clothes?
Our part is to seek him and to trust him and when we do, then we will see the goodness of God.
Psalms 23 reminds us that because God is our shepherd, we shall not be in want. When we trust him and allow him to lead us, then he will lead us to green pastures and sill waters.
Jesus, in teaching us how to pray taught is to ask God for our daily bread. Jesus himself never worried about what he would eat or drink or wear, he was busy going about his father’s business.
Paul tells us not be anxious about anything but that we should make all our requests known to God.
Think about this, God provided food for the Israelites in the wilderness for 40 years. There is not a single day when they had no food or not enough food. God ensured they had water and that their clothes and sandals did not wear out. This is the same God who tells you and me to trust him to provide for us.
We all have a choice, to trust him to worry and be anxious. Which one will you choose?
Has God ever provided for you supernaturally? What happened?
What is currently causing you to worry and be anxious?
What makes it hard for you to believe that God can provide what you need?